Healthy Home Heating & Cooling LLC Installs Whole House HEPA Filter Systems
We keep our windows closed more often than not during the course of the year in northeast Wisconsin, which means the purity of the air we breathe is dependent on the quality of our air filtration system. Healthy Home Heating & Cooling LLC recommends using a whole-house HEPA filter system in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the surrounding areas to remove pollen, mold, and other microscopic particles.
A high-efficiency particle arrestor (HEPA) filter system traps and holds particles much smaller than the paper filters sold by retail stores. Paper filters collect particles about 10 microns in size, or roughly 1/15th the width of a human hair. That’s fine, but approximately 98 percent of the particles in your home’s air are smaller than 1 micron.
If you are an allergy sufferer, you know these tiny particles can make life miserable. This is where the Dynamic whole-house HEPA filter system we recommend can significantly improve the cleanliness of the air you and your family breathe.
Using a whole-house HEPA filter makes an immediate difference
Dynamic whole-house HEPA filter systems use an electrical charge to trap and hold particles as small as 0.3 microns that pass right through old-school paper filters. The electrical charge is the opposite of the particulates suspended in your home’s air. It acts as a kind of magnet by attracting and holding airborne particles.
Studies have shown Dynamic whole house HEPA filters can remove 99 percent of the particles 5 microns or smaller, and 97 percent of the particles in the 0.3 to 0.5-micron range. The replaceable media should be changed three times per year to ensure the quality of the air you breathe remains as high as possible.
Make a whole-house HEPA filter part of your regular furnace maintenance with annual checks through our Peace of Mind program. Contact us for details.
Healthy Home Heating & Cooling LLC, indoor air quality specialists
Healthy Home Heating & Cooling LLC is a Green Bay, Wisconsin-based provider of residential heating, cooling, and air quality systems and service. The company provides sales and emergency repair service within a 60-mile radius of Green Bay, Wisconsin, as well as a preventive maintenance subscription program designed to prevent breakdowns and major repairs.
For more information or to schedule a visit, please call (920) 884-9119, or visit